customer feedback form

SBE is committed to providing quality products and services. Please let us know how we are doing.

your name

your company name


address 1

address 2


state / country

zip / postal code

email * required field

day phone

fax number

How should we contact you?

What product or service did you purchase from SBE?

For each of the following statements about the SBE products or services you bought, please select your response from the drop-down box to the right of the statement.

The product/service worked as expected.

The product/service met specified requirements.

The product/service was of acceptable quality.

The product/service was provided in a timely manner.

Documentation was accurate, clear, and well formatted.

The cost was appropriate for the product/service provided.

The product/service met our applications needs.

SBE was responsive to my needs and suggestions.

SBE related to me in an appropriate professional manner.

All aspects of our business was/is satisfactory.

Additional comments


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