SBE applications -- WAN adapters

As shown in the figures below, SBE WAN adapters are found in a wide variety of networking environments, from small stand-alone computers in small offices to remote servers/routers in outlining offices, to the complex communications systems of ISPs, CLECs, DLECs, COs, and large corporate enterprises.

The deployment of SBE WAN adapters in servers -- in place of other external communications equipment that would otherwise be required -- can result in thousands of dollars saved in equipment costs alone, not to mention savings in support costs associated with manpower, maintenance, and housing for these devices.

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For example, an SBE WAN adapter installed in a firewall server eliminates the need for a separate router and CSU/DSU (see figure below). Moreover, the user has secured the network at the point of entry -- an added advantage that makes the SBE approach even more attractive.



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